Talking About Everything hangs out with Ken X Ruan.
I was joined by Ken to talk about society and marketing; topics we also blog about (here). This was a test of how well we could record together over Skype, testing out Ken's Microphone, and of course getting used to speaking to each other while recording everything we said. This is episode is the edited copy which has a running time of about 27 minutes.
We talked about our person biases, what Ken might look for in a wife, a few of Shelly Turkle's books, Ken's affinity for getting random strangers to make a "selfie video" with him (on the mean streets of NYC), and we talk about technology, antipositism, and politics: Libertarianism, Communitarianism, Neoliberalism and my meeting 20 years ago with Machinery of Freedom author David Friedman and his son Patri (picture).
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