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Educator Self and Peer Assessment with Dr. Doug McKee

Doug McKee

Teachers Need Peer Review

Dr. McKee provides some peer assessment and evaluation of Harry's in-classroom learning. Harry recounts the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of assignments and in-class strategies. Harry is seeking broader acceptance of honest self-evaluation and embracing the failures in pedagogy that leads to learning and improved student learning outcomes.

Reach Doug:

Teach Better web site ( and Twitter (@TeachBetterCo)

Dr. Doug McKee

Harry's Notes:

"Since the Fall of 2013 I have evolved my approach to teaching with an assortment of pedagogically diverse approaches. 
I have been seeking a knowledgeable peer with whom I could present a self-assessment; I believe only a frank and honest accounting of my efforts will allow me to continue to grow and learn as a teacher." 

Thanks Doug!

On April 7th, 2015, Dr. Doug McKee took the time to listen to my self-assessment while offering suggestions, insights and lessons from his own classroom. Dr. McKee is the co-host of the Teach Better podcast ("

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